Coming Back To Heart Space (Again) MAY 17th

Heart Space will reopen on Monday, May 17th, to begin a hybrid of live classes in person with simultaneous broadcast if you are practising at home. We have invested in a large screen so only the teacher can see you and welcome you into the class with personal instruction.

Please see our infographics below about reopening, all of which will be clearly displayed in the studio. Our timetable has shifted to help us navigate the space and cleaning routines required in the studio, so please note the new times and which classes are online-only, in person, and a mix of both.

If you have any questions or are unsure about how to book (once we get the schedule updated in the next few days) please just send us a wee email

We cannot wait to see your face, even if it is in a mask! Have a read of the information below, it is all the same as our last mini opening in September 2020.

HS_Social-Distancing_Guidelines copy.jpg