Why Chair Yoga?

Chair yoga is a type of yoga that is designed to be accessible for people who may have difficulty getting up and down from the floor, or who may not have the mobility or balance to do traditional yoga poses. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Improved flexibility and mobility: Chair yoga can help improve flexibility and mobility in the joints and muscles, which can help reduce stiffness and pain.

  2. Reduced stress and anxiety: Chair yoga includes breathing exercises and meditation, which can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote relaxation.

  3. Increased strength: Chair yoga poses can help strengthen the muscles in the body, which can improve overall physical function and reduce the risk of falls.

  4. Improved posture: Chair yoga can help improve posture and alignment, which can reduce strain on the back and neck.

  5. Enhanced circulation: Chair yoga includes movements and poses that can help improve blood flow and circulation, which can benefit the entire body.

  6. Accessible for all levels: Chair yoga is a low-impact form of exercise that can be modified to suit any level of ability or mobility, making it accessible for everyone, including seniors, people with disabilities, or those recovering from injuries.

Overall, chair yoga is a gentle yet effective form of exercise that can help improve physical and mental health, regardless of age or fitness level.

You can join our free chair yoga class every Wednesday at 10.30am. Book this class via our site.